What is it?
A personal project I’ve been working on for 2 months during this quarantine. It is a desktop application development framework that allows for the development of C++ applications with a GUI and Renderer (Only OpenGL backend supported so far, but architecture leaves room for Vulkan, Metal, or DirectX extensions).
- Custom type-agnostic Entity Component System that utilizes virtual memory and custom allocators
- Dockable ImGui based GUI with custom components
- Profiling classes (Adapted to chrome tracing, and built with a live graph viewer)
- 2D Custom batch renderer
- Custom shader library (GLSL)
- Orthographic camera + controller
- Minimal dependencies on other libraries
Future Work
The engine is still far from usable to create games. Work in progress.
- Functional game example
- Visual game creation capabilities
- Scripting language
- Game exporting
- Update linux, macosx support (one month late)